: a long journey full of adventures
: a series of experiences that give knowledge or understanding to someone”
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![[3/3] For people who require frequent transfusions, like Sickle Cell Patients, more comprehensive blood typing must be done to find an appropriate match and prevent rejection of the blood donation. These droppers represent just a small fraction of th](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/562168f3e4b04bb42a10c6d6/1465934793967-3LF2IWY7Y5YU0U9Y324F/image-asset.jpeg)
![[2/3] The Hemagglutination Assay. Aka do your red cells clump with X antibody? @taryn_am turned out to be A+ so her red cells clumped in the presence of antibodies to A (left blue tube) and to RhD (middle clear tube). She also possesses antibodies th](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/562168f3e4b04bb42a10c6d6/1465926286362-66BQEKLC5JO8HQRBOJX2/image-asset.jpeg)
![[1/3] These are the reagents to get blood typed the old fashioned way. The left two determine if you are A, B, AB or O. The one in the middle determines if you are + or - for something called Rh D. The one on the right contains target cells to make s](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/562168f3e4b04bb42a10c6d6/1465853237769-K3K8T06ZUECRJB937JUR/image-asset.jpeg)